Sustainability & Economics Workshops

In my Sustainability & Economics Workshops, I aim to educate businesses, individuals, and communities on sustainable practices and insights from economic indicators, such as interest rates, inflation and unemployment rates, to help them understand risks and opportunities and make informed decisions. These workshops are designed to align sustainability with economic understanding, providing practical insights into when to make sustainable decisions like capital purchases considering the macroeconomic environment.

The workshops cover a range of topics, including the basics of sustainability, the role of economic indicators in decision-making, and the integration of sustainable practices into business strategies. I use a combination of lectures, case studies, and interactive sessions to ensure participants gain a comprehensive understanding of these concepts.

One key focus is on helping participants understand how economic indicators can impact sustainability decisions. For example, we explore how inflation rates can influence the timing and feasibility of sustainable investments, and how unemployment trends can affect the social sustainability of a community or organization.

I also provide guidance on how to incorporate sustainability into economic analysis, highlighting tools and techniques for assessing the environmental and social impact of business decisions. This includes introducing concepts like the triple bottom line (economic, social, and environmental performance) and discussing ways to measure and report on sustainability.

My goal is to empower participants with the knowledge and skills needed to make decisions that are not only economically sound but also environmentally responsible and socially equitable. By the end of the workshops, participants should have a solid foundation in both sustainability and economics, enabling them to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape with confidence.

Courses I'm Currently Teaching

  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Environmental Economics
  • Macroeconomic Analysis
  • Analytics for Public Policy with R
  • Business Data Mining with Python
  • Public Data Insights with Power BI